Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy Spring!

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy First Day of Spring. For the past several days we have had some beautiful sunshine and toasty 20 -30 degree temperatures which was putting us somewhat in the spring mood - we even saw a little bit of our grass in the back yard as the snow slowly began melting away from the fenceline. However, after about 6:30 pm it has been snowing non stop and looks to give us a pretty good little dump of snow (on top of the foot or more we already have). I guess in Alaska, you always bring spring in like a lion, huh? We did get to see our neighborhood moose this morning and not that I'm an expert on moose, but she looks to be getting bigger in the belly and is expecting. We still all get so excited when we see the moose around here. I'm sure the novelty will eventually wear off. But anyway, all of you that are enjoying the buds on the trees and the starts of flowers, send a spring wish our way. Maybe we'll see grass sometime in April or so :)


Karen said...

How nice to have been able to see a little bit of your grass!!! There is hope! We have had some pretty darn good weather here. Temps were near the 70's. Tonight it's supposed to snow, and tomarrow, and tuesday. Darn snow! I hope it doesn't happen. Anyways moving along spring wishes for you!

Ande said...

Happy Spring to you too. Seeing a Moose would be so cool. I want to take a hop up your way and am hoping to be able too. I would love to say that I have been to Alaska. :)