Monday, March 2, 2009

Arrow of Light and Ice Fishing

During the "Blue and Gold" Banquet at Scouts last week, Chance was able to receive his Arrow of Light badge which is a highest accomplishment in cub scouts. He was also able to officially "Cross Over" into Boy Scouts. They had a really neat ceremony before Chance crossed over, where the cubmaster was dressed up like an Indian Chief, and presented him with an arrow (complete with authentic arrowhead and Eagle's feathers on it) which represented the path he would take that would lead him on the course to Eagle Scout. They had built a wooden bridge that he crossed over to meet the boy scouts on the other side and then he was given his new neckerchief. The troop here really put a lot into it and made it very special for us all. Chance's first outing with the scouts was this past Saturday, where he went ice fishing. It was very cold and snowy that day, but he and BJ had a good time and learned some tips for the next time they go.

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