Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Numb and in Pain - STILL!

Sorry I haven't posted anything lately but I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed last Thursday and I'm still having problems. I went yesterday to have a dry socket packed, but am still having a lot of pain and have some numbness as well. I can't open my mouth wide enough to get a good bite of anything so I'm still having to eat soft foods. Who would ever think of craving a salad over a milkshake! But I am and I know it's just because I can't chew it! So things kind of stink right now. The kids are adjusting to a mom that doesn't do much but lay around and sleep (because of the percocet). Maybe I need an INTERVENTION ha! Pray for my recovery - I'm going nuts!


Ande said...

Hope thatyou are feeling better. Tom gave me my engagment ring the day I got my wisdom teeth out. How romantic huh?

Shaina said...

Wish I was there to help you. I had a bad experience with my wisdom teeth too. I was 19 yrs old, and all of my family decided to go on vacation without me for a month. I was by myself and hurting and nobody took care of me.
Hope you are feeling better now. It's so tough being out of it and still being mom. Take care.

April said...

I remember being a chipmunk face, I'm sorry I hope you are feeling better and haven't gone nuts!